Friday, April 30, 2010

In the Story of an Hour narrates the life of Mrs. Mallard a young woman who has a "hearth trouble". Her husband was death in a railroad disaster. Her sister Josephine and her husband's friend Richard came to her after hearing the disaster. They were concerned about Mrs. Mallard reaction and Josephine cautiously give her the news without exposing her to get ill. At the moment she is aware of her husband's death overcome with grief. But she experiences an unknown felling over her a feeling of relief and freedom. She does not know what to do with this feeling awakening on her: "There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully."

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I would definitely place this on the Literary Awakening list. I would say that this would be on my PG list, as it takes a maturity to comprehend the shock that one may receive in the revelation that one could actually be comforted by the departure of another individual. I remember hearing of this as a child and the disbelief that one could be so wicked, thinking that they would go to the devil. It takes maturity to understand abusive situations. My thoughts of the nature of the story is the wonderful way that the author takes the reader into the thinking of her mind in almost an exterrestrial state. It truly is a remarkable work.
